Lurial Mephistaat

Veena Viera | Female | Bisexual | Single | Switch | Servant-at-heart

Dancer & Escort, Endless Enjoyment

Go Ahead, Look

Ever thought that appearances can be deceiving? Well, you aren't the only one. Take a long look; if you glance away, she might be gone.

With Nights Spent In Bliss...

... what reason is there to ever want to wake up? Come, find out why your dreams can be made reality.

And so the child grows

It is said that true devotion is the most fulfilling path the soul can take. When this is in reference to the Goddess of Love, what you think that means?

a new chapter begins

A long journey, a new purpose, and and a new place to call home. What could possibly be next?


Hazy, indistinct, never assured... but so bright, as if looking into the sun.

Notes & OOC

Read on, dear visitor. When you're done here, please tell me how I might serve you.~


Current booking information being reworked.

A Little bit of background, hmm?

A life lived in seclusion and isolation is no life at all. Within the first thirty summers, winters, and endless cycles of the moon since Lurial was brought into this world, she’d learned that she was somewhat different than her Vieran kin. Not in height, for she was of middling height compared her sisters. Not in appearance, for she was as gorgeous as any other member of her tribe. No, there was something… off about her, something that didn’t quite fit with the rest of her Veena kindred.The answer, however, was simple. Not to Lurial; she was kept in the dark for most of her life. But for the rest of her tribe, they knew the secret behind her difference. Since time immemorial, many generations past, Lurial’s tribe had been hunted, stalked, and terrorized by one particular voidsent. A succubi of breathtaking power, this creature took some sort of perverse pleasure in feasting almost exclusively on Lurial’s tribe, sometimes drawing her meals out for decades before finding a new morsel of prey.Enough was enough. Decades turned into centuries, and finally, the tribe spellcasters formulated a ritual. A summoning and binding ritual, one that was powerful enough to rip this succubi from her hellish portion of the void and pull her into Eorzea, and then bind her. The problem was, they needed a vessel strong enough to contain such power, and not disintegrate into a puddle of whimpering goo.And then Lurial was born. A Viera of unique constitution, she was immediately identified as being strong enough to contain such heinously evil, corrupting power. The heart mark below her left eye identified her as a chosen of Menphina, one who could carry great burdens. And so the tribe ‘blessed’ their newest member with the duty of being the living prison for their greatest tormentor and nightmare, all without her knowledge.Treated as something of a pariah amongst her people, Lurial grew up wondering why exactly no one would look at her directly, or if they did, why they looked away immediately as soon as her lavender eyes, unique amongst her tribe, would turn to look back at them. No one outwardly spoke ill of her, or tried to hurt her, but enough conversations being hushed to silence when she approached told the girl that she was either unwelcome, or simply an unwanted presence amongst her tribe.

Experience ecstasy

A closed mind and a narrow worldview.That’s all that would have awaited the redhead had she stayed amongst her kind for yet another year. Another turn of the world around the sun. Another long procession through the seasons, the monotony broken only by the occasional trader or big game hunt.Lurial found it all incredibly dull. The life of simple hunting and traveling that worked for her nomadic tribe didn’t fit her quite right. And the Veena had never felt that more than in her eighteenth summer. She’d known it since she was born, but that year was somehow… different. The young Veena learned quickly what was different. It was like some sort of ravenous hunger awoke within her, deep inside her core. She was insatiable. And the forests, mountains, plains, and hills her tribe travelled through were simply not enough. Without much thought or planning in the event, Lurial ran away from her clan, from her people, and made her way out into the wider world. Possessed by the powerful hunger for new things, for more excitement, for… more, she found herself falling into a life of bodyguard jobs and adventuring, which were enough to satiate her. For a while, it was enough. In the winter of her twenty-ninth year, the young, still-naïve Viera experienced the worst tragedy of her short life. In the rocky hills of Black Brush, she was found, captured, and brutally used by a gang of thieves she’d thought she and her party had put out of commission. For hours they abused and toyed with the girl, subjecting her to things her tribe wasn’t even capable of imagining. And when they were done, they took everything she had, down to her last coin and stitch of clothing. Naked, barely coherent, and left with nothing else, the Veena wandered into Ul’dah, miserable and scared of the slightest movement, much less any kindness from strangers. But that was the turning point. Stepping into Ul’dah set Lurial’s life on a whole new course. For in the dark, shady alleys of the desert city, she encountered the person who would change her life. Madame Vorflame, owner and proprietor of one of Ul’dah’s leading brothels, found the weak, terrified Viera and took pity on her, taking her in and giving her food, safety, and a place to sleep. During her time at the brothel, Lurial learned. She learned many things, from how to understand and work with people, to how to use her feminine charms most appropriately, to how to gauge the value of items in the market and out-swindle the swindlers. Of course, it came as no surprise she began working as a courtesan; not only because she wanted to pay Madame Vorflame back, but also because she was good at it. Exceptionally good. For many year, Lurial worked in the brothel, rising to become it’s premiere earner. Decades past, the Viera remaining young and attractive, while her fellow courtesan’s came and went, grew older and retired. On Madame Vorflame’s deathbed, Lurial turned down the woman’s offer to take over the establishment, knowing her time to journey the world once more was upon her, but promised to come and pay her respects to the woman who had delivered her from the gutters.

The Goddess Menphina offers deliverance through pleasure

Leaving Ul’dah and the brothel she’d known for so long was difficult. Lurial had built a life for herself in the arid sand of Thanalan, at first so different and alien from her home in the East Shroud, now so familiar and comforting, in it’s own, harsh way. Now in her mid 80s, Lurial was still what many Viera would consider a young one, though by the standards of the rest of Eorzea’s races, she was old. Still, it was never too late to set off on another journey. Wanderlust. A term all Viera were familiar with, in some way. Most spent several years away from their tribes, learning, experiencing the world… Lurial, however, had never had plans to return to her tribe. The world, wandering, and experiencing life was more important to her; and her time as the highest paid courtesan in Ul’dah had left her with an appreciation for cultured, finer things, that a Viera living nomadically in the wilderness simply couldn’t get. A year or so after leaving Ul’dah, Lurial was approached by a group of individuals rather abruptly, while out exploring the Far East, a place that had long since captured her interest. Calling themselves the Cult of Menphina, they informed the Viera of their goals, their mission, their desires… and of course, that of their goddess. An oracle had been handed down; Lurial was to be sought out, and brought to the Cult’s temple to become the new High Priestess. Initially wary and skeptical of such a request, Lurial made her way to a temple of the gods, seeking her own answers from Menphina. And there, her mind was opened to things she’d never known. Her role as the prison of a succubus; the tastes and desires that had been spawned within her after her rape so many years ago, kept in check by her life as a courtesan; her possible purpose in life, to provide succor and solace to lost souls needing love and guidance. Menphina offered much, and demanded little. Tenure as high priestess to the cult for two decades and a lifelong pledge to serve the Goddess of Love would reward the young Viera with control over her succubus prisoner, as well as a coveted position amongst those who worship the gods: that of an avatar.
To be an avatar, the very embodiment of a god or goddess upon the world of Eorzea, was no small thing. While being Menphina’s avatar did not mean becoming a powerful, destructive demigod, it did mean many new possibilities would open up for the Veena. It was an attractive offer, and one she couldn’t resist.
Taking up her position as High Priestess of the Cult of Menphina, Lurial spent the next two decades using her body, blessed and purified as a vessel of the Goddess, to spread love, succor, and the embrace of Menphina, bringing innumerable lost souls back to the path of the light through her skills as a courtesan, and her belief in her Goddess. An unwanted child from a nomadic Vieran tribe had become an influential, important figure for a dying religion, even earning the most prized position next to the Goddess herself, bearing her mark and a bit of her divine aura. Lurial served her two decades, and gave her Goddess and the Cult another decade of her life in service, before finally setting off once more, the power of her wanderlust now tempered by divine grace and control over her inner succubus, but no less noticeable and demanding.

Of all the pleasure dens in all the world...

This new period of wandering brought the Veena to the white stone walls and pathways of Limsa Lominsa, to the coast, a place she’d only ever been on assignment, and never for her own amusement or interest. But now, adrift once more in the world and looking for new opportunities, Lurial was excited by the prospects she hoped to find in the seaside city, teeming with shady and honest business alike. Of course, her preference was to find a new brothel to work at, but she would weigh all her options equally. The redheaded Veena was approached by many such establishments, looking to recruit good talent and trustworthy sorts – an interesting distinction in such a venture – and Lurial was all of the things they were looking for, with a reputation out of Ul’dah preceding her, as well as a long list of regular clientele that would begin frequenting whatever establishment she chose to work at. In the end, Lurial decided to take the offer from an upscale venue by the name of the Gilded Knob, run by a fellow Viera and her Hrothgar husband, settling into her role as a dancer and escort with the ease borne of many years in entertainment. She quickly built up a reputation for herself, and before long, seeing her on the floor amongst the other dancers was a shocking rarity. Indeed, most nights, Lurial’s whole evening was booked solid, with the click-clack of her high heels never even gracing a stage. It had taken time to reach that point. And all the while, she’d made it a point to help her fellow dancers get clients of their own, whenever she could. Money was not the goal for the Viera, it was company, succor, and providing the comfort Menphina promised to all souls who sought her embrace, through her avatar. Eventually, Lurial worked her way into the management of the club, when the previous owners decided to retire. Through rocky transitions and many months of reorganization, hiring, and rebuilding, Lurial and her fellow managers continued the Knob’s excellent reputation and example, providing quality entertainment and a warm, comforting place to relax and unwind from whatever troubles and travels an adventurer might find themselves exposed to. But, like all good things, her time with the Knob came to an end. Irreparable rifts formed between members of management, and the shrewd Viera, now in her late 120s, made a quiet exit from the club and it’s staff, leaving behind a piece of her heart in a place she’d come to call home, once more adrift in the wide world to find new opportunities and adventures.

And the future shines so bright

Where will her journey take her? Another brothel? Her own venue? A long adventure to the farthest reaches of the world? Only time can tell, though Lurial herself would simply smile and make a comment about always finding her way back to her preferred avenue of business.

Some things to remember

Maid costume, attitude, and attentiveness available upon request.

Some Notes & OOC:

Toilet stuff
Creepy stuff
If you're curious whether I'll do it, just ask.

IC =/= OOC, please be respectful.If I say no, I mean no. Probably won't happen too often, but if it does, just save us both the trouble and respect the decision.I, the player, am a generally nice, open, and friendly person, so if you'd like to chat, feel free. I can't guarantee I'll respond quickly if I'm busy, but it never hurts to try!Do you have an idea for RP? Come at me with it. I can be flexible with Lurial's profession as a courtesan, but that is her primary occupation.Have a question? Ask away.~

Name: Lurial
Race: Viera
Gender: Female
Age: 129
Hair: Long & wavy, crimson
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Lavender
Height: Tol!
Weight: On the thiccer side
Occupation: Courtesan, former bodyguard & bounty hunter
Appearance: Normally Lurial can be found wearing the typical attire of a courtesan... that is to say, not all that much. Skin-revealing garments are her preferred clothes now, but she's not opposed to putting on her armor and jumping into a fight. When she does, she jumps right into the middle of the fray, wading in to defend her allies. Luckily blood doesn't show up on her red-furred ears or in her crimson hair. And those gold-flecked red eyes remain constantly vigilant. When she's not in combat, Lurial is easy going, and often has a playful grin on her full lips.
Outlook: Lurial would rather avoid violence and bask in pleasure and ecstasy, but she won't shy away from it. And she can certainly handle herself. While most would have become listless and shut themselves off from the world after what happened to her, Lurial used the experience to strengthen herself, and found a new calling that opened up whole new worlds of feelings and experiences she had never known existed. And she wouldn't take it back for a moment.
Sexuality: Bisexual, with a preference for the feminine.
Interests: Drinking, collecting jewelry, eating tasty food (and cooking it), reading, and traveling.

Booking Information

Are you interested in booking a session with Lurial? Then you're in luck! Please follow the link below to go to her scheduling page!

All sales are for RP & ERP! You are most welcome to schedule a session for wholesome RP!There will be absolutely no real money or their equivalent transactions conducted to receive RP/ERP services! Attempt to discuss this form of payment could result in permanent loss of availability of services.

You will receive advance notice if something will prevent the booking. If you are unable to make the booking, please do the same!Please do not argue or try to barter.